
Stefanie Hertel is a freelance illustrator, media designer and storyteller, with a playful, sophisticated and expressive signature style. She lives in the Bavarian Alps. 

As an illustrator and designer at freewildsoul she visualizes ideas, so that visions become reality. With individual illustrations and several years of experience in international marketing and change management in the corporate environment.

Stefanie studied design at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Munich, GER.

As a child, she wanted to become a wanderer. When she was told, that one can’t live off fresh air and nature alone, she decided to become an artist. Realizing ideas and visualizing stories. 30 years later, that’s what she does.

She is a certified vinyasa and yin yoga teacher and passionate about positive psychology, enabling individuals and organizations to flourish.




Brigitte Wittmer, Switzerland

Für meine neue Website wollte ich etwas, dass mich und meine Arbeit zeigt. Etwas das nicht viele Worte braucht und doch jeder versteht. Mit Liebe und Herz dasteht und erzählt. Und genau das hast du mit mir gemeinsam erschaffen und geschafft. Für weitere Aufträge bist du ganz klar meine Favoritin. Ich kann dich von Herzen und voller Vertrauen weiterempfehlen. Herzlichen Dank für deine Arbeit, die von dir, deinem Fachwissen und Freude umrahmt ist.

Candy Marx, Australia

What a wonderful surprise to receive this today. Stefanie drew me as an 'Inspirational Illustration'. Feeling incredibly honoured and humbled. Thank you, you are a beautiful, talented soul.

Andrea Hannemann, Hawaii

I love it, thank you!

Rochelle Odendaal, South Africa

I'm more than just a little blown away by this drawing of me! This is super amazing.

freewildsoul on the road

Le petit Paris: Pains - Viennoiseries - Patisseries - Café (München)

Le petit Paris: Pains, Viennoiseries, Patisseries & Café (München)

Friedensengel_3024 × 3780

Friedensengel (München)

Café GeQo (München)

tote_freewildsoul_3024 × 3780

Ingolstadt Village (Ingolstadt)

Schmitt & Hahn Buchhandlung (Freiburg)

Want to realize your project with me?
Feel free to drop me an Email.